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What Are The Terms Used In Addition

We have 20 and 7. We write a plus sign in between two addends and an equal sign before the sum. When Working With Word Problems A Good Place To Start Is To Identify Which Operation You Need To Use Students Ca Math Word Problems Math Key Words Math Words Part-time English classes are offered. What are the terms used in addition . Addend sum minuend subtrahend and difference. Addends are the numbers that are added together. Increasing in amount or intensity. In addition students can take classes in other languages. Associative property of addition. The word sum or the symbol may also be used for addition. More and total. Additionally again also besides either further furthermore likewise. Number charts are another way to add numbers. The equal sign means the things to the left and right of it are equal. Addition of small numbers can be done using your fingers too. Number to which another is added. Thunderstorms sometimes drop balls of ice known as