The decimal number is used to represent a number with greater precision in comparison to integers or whole numbers. Addends with up to 3 decimal digits. Freebie Adding And Subtracting Decimals 8 Page Lesson Packet Quiz Adding And Subtracting Subtracting Decimals Subtraction AddingSubtracting Decimals Practice Questions Click here for Questions. Decimal addition and subtraction problem solving . Her mother gave her 25346 and her sister gave her 5739. Kate had 36829. In this lesson we will solve addition and subtraction problems with decimals and generate our own word problems to suit equations. Subtract mentally 1-2 decimal digits Subtract mentally mixing 1-2 decimal digits. Some questions may i have 3 terms ii involve comparisons or iii require conversions of fractions with a denominator of 10 or 100. This Year 5 Adding and Subtracting Wholes and Decimals lesson covers the prior learning of finding complements to 1 and adding and subtracting decimals with different decimal...